
Mom of the Month: Camille K.

Say hello to our March Mom Of The Month, Camille K.! She consistently shows up with a “ready for anything” attitude and is so warm and welcoming to new mamas. Always there to lend a hand and offer a listening ear, she's naturally helped influence a positive mama community everywhere she goes. She’s joined by her enthusiastic workout buddy and singalong partner, Rex, who looks on with adoring eyes as Camille puts in the work for herself each day.

Hometown: I grew up in the small town of Half Moon Bay, CA about an hour's drive from here- best known for pumpkins and the world renowned Maverick's surf contest.

Who is in your family? My little family is made up of me, my wife Eugenia, and our 16 month old, Rex. Rex loves coming to FIT4MOM classes!

Why did you first come to FIT4MOM? After the first year of motherhood, and six months at that point of my wife being back at work, I was feeling isolated and a little stir crazy being at home in full-time mom mode all day every day. I thought it might be fun to try the FIT4MOM classes- knowing that I needed some fresh air, movement, and a chance to meet other moms.

It was also a welcome bonus to have entertainment for Rex beyond just hanging with me all day! Our first class was on Halloween, the day before Rex's first birthday, and we had so much fun that we've been coming back (almost) every weekday morning ever since!

What is your favorite part of class or favorite class format? It might sound silly, but I love having the instructors' help to remind me to drink more water- it really helps remind me to take care of myself!

As far as the workouts go, I really appreciate all the squats and lower body work- I feel like it's helped me a lot to prevent shoulder pain from carrying Rex all day as he gets bigger. I also love the engaging questions for each class and the intros we do every time- I'm the worst at remembering names, especially when sleep deprived! And the questions help give us a chance to get to know each other.

What are your favorite places to go and/or activities to do together as a family? We went on a trip in the fall to Hawaii that was SO much fun and actually really relaxing, which surprised me! My wife and I used to travel a lot before we became parents, and it was so nice to get away to a place that was so baby friendly. My hope is that we'll all travel a lot more in the next few years- but we also just love hanging out at home on weekends too.

A few words to share about yourself? This past almost year and a half of being a mom has been so incredibly life changing. I'm such a completely different person now- and a new version of myself that I actually really like! It sounds cheesy to say, but I feel really proud of myself for how I overcame a really rough start to motherhood. There were days in that first year that it just felt SO hard, and I feel proud of myself for showing up for Rex every day, even when I was really struggling with some of the challenges we were facing.

The FIT4MOM classes and community have been such a life saver for support these last few months, and a kick in the butt to take care of myself and get out of the house, especially on those mornings I've felt truly exhausted after a challenging night of teething (there have been so many at this point I've lost count).

Motherhood also entered my life at a point of career transition- and the time at home with Rex has given me a chance to revisit my old ambitions and change course in a way that feels more aligned to this new life and new version of myself.

I used to work in fashion years ago, and lately I've been seriously considering a return to fashion through personal styling- maybe even with new moms! I'll be looking for test subjects, so feel free to let me know if this is something you're interested in!

I've also started putting together a small WhatsApp community of moms to plan walks together, outings, and in the future, playdates! I really want to help other new moms feel less alone in such a hugely transformative and challenging time of life. The community is welcome to any other FIT4MOM moms who are interested in joining- so just reach out if you would like to be a part of it too!

What is your favorite self care activity? Hands down, FIT4MOM classes! And after that, I would say getting dressed in a cute outfit- even when I"m staying home and no one else even sees what I'm wearing! It makes such a huge difference in how I feel and how I show up- and gives me a chance to have fun and be creative with how I style my clothing.