Alie Scott
I’m Alie! I grew up in the Bay Area and have lived in Oakland since 2013. I’m an ER nurse and mom, keeping kiddos alive day and night I'm married and we have 2 boys, Elliott (4) Teddy (2), a quirky albino poodle, and a beta fish… and lots of plants…
+How did you discover FIT4MOM?
I had always fantasized about being that gym mom who took group classes with all her friends while the kids played nicely in childcare, but my firstborn had opinions about that I tried all the gyms and eventually found FIT4MOM while desperately googling kid-friendly places to work out when Elliott was 1yo
+Something you're hoping to pass down to Teddy and Elliott?
My awesome dance moves. Besides that, love of themselves and for one another.
You can find Alie leading our Body Well sessions through out the year!